

Resveratrol – the ground-breaking ingredient

Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound widely found in plants. In 1940, Japanese first discovered resveratrol in roots of plant veratrum album. In the 1970s, resveratrol was first discovered in grape skins. Resveratrol exists in plants in trans and cis free forms; both forms have antioxidant biological activity. The trans isomer has a higher biological activity than cis. Resveratrol is not only found in grape skin, but also in other plants such as polygonum cuspidatum, peanuts, and mulberry. Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant and whitening agent for skin care.


Resveratrol is the main raw material in pharmaceutical, chemical, health care, and cosmetics industries. In cosmetic applications, resveratrol is characterized by capturing free radicals, anti-oxidation, and anti-ultraviolet radiation. It is a natural antioxidant. Resveratrol can also effectively promote vasodilation. Moreover, Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory, anti-bactericidal and moisturizing effect. It can eliminate skin acne, herpes, wrinkles, etc. Therefore, Resveratrol can be used in night cream and moisturizing cosmetics.

Aging is quite natural to our body 

The skin care industry is one of the most popular and ever-booming industries across the globe. Each year, we have more and more women wishing to attain youthful, glowing and healthy looking skin. Skin care products can help beautify us, add radiance to our face and body and make us more attractive than before. However, the process of aging is quite natural to our body and as we age so does our skin. Though we can hide the signs of aging to a large extent, reversing it has been almost impossible and difficult to achieve- till now.

Resveratrol is fascinating

Scientists have found out a naturally-occurring secret ingredient that can help women achieve younger-looking skin and considerably reduce aging effects. It’s resveratrol which is a amazing ingredient to create unique and top-notch products which can help reverse the normal aging process and make you look younger and more attractive with every passing day!  Resveratrol possess an amazing ability to promote healthier and younger-looking skin. It also helps to fade away fine lines and wrinkles, give your face and body a clearer look and also make it glow with regular application. Vine Vera collection uses the revolutionary ingredient, resveratrol, something that will help you take care of your skin more easily.


But how is this even possible?

Resveratrol is derived from the skin of red grapes and happens to fulfill the crucial function of antioxidation. As time passes by and we start to age, the body cells get damaged due to a chemical process named oxidation. This process can be better understood if we taken into consideration the fact that apples turn brown in color when cut open and left like that for a long time. Antioxidants help to stop this process and this is exactly where resveratrol comes in.

Being a strong antioxidant, resveratrol helps protect naturally-occurring DNA and cell damage and slows down the body’s aging process when applied topically. Not only this, but resveratrol also contains a natural and organic chemical named polyphenol which has been scientifically proven chemical to activate the ‘longevity gene’ also known as SIRT1. SIRT1, activated by resveratrol helps stimulate the creation of new cells and stop the destruction of old ones thereby hindering the effects of aging from showing up rapidly.

What’s more?

Resveratrol has also been proven to help protect the skin from damage caused due to excessive sun exposure. Other studies state that this substance aids in reducing the appearance of deep wrinkles while also improving skin tone. Using this astonishing ingredient and infused it in its huge range of skin care products to help you turn back time and look more youthful and beautiful, always and forever!

If you are looking for this ingredient, just give us a shout and we will help you.

Post time: Sep-27-2021