

Kojic acid vs Hydroquinone in skin care

Kojic acid and hydroquinone are two of the most popular actives used in pigmentation lightening skincare.  They are used in many skin care products and helps to treat hyperpigmentation, dark spots, sun damage etc,improve the appearance of discoloration and skin brightness. They can strongly inhibit the formation of skin melanin through inhibit the synthesis of tyrosinase. But which is better for your skin?

    Product Name               CAS NO.                    Appearance                                              Function                                   
     Kojic Acid      501-30-4                 White crystal powder    Treat hyperpigmentation and spots, Skin brightening
    Hydroquinone      123-31-9      White crystal powder    Treat hyperpigmentation and spots, Skin brightening




The advantages of Kojic Acid vs Hydroquinone:

1.Kojic Acid is safer than Hydroquinone

Kojic acid and hydroquinone are very effective in helping fade age spots, acne scars and uneven skin tone because they help reduce the level of melanin pigment your skin makes. Both skincare actives can do this by engaging an enzyme your skin needs to make melanin. Technically your skin’s still able to make melanin however the ‘machine’ your skin has to do this is temporarily out of action.

Hydroquinone however also works to lighten skin in another way. Hydroquinone can alter your DNA causing the death of cells which make melanin. Scientists call this cytotoxicity. Side effects can include hypo-pigmentation (the opposite of hyper-pigmentation, meaning patchy areas of white skin), premature ageing and sensitivity.

2.Kojic Acid is better for skin than Hydroquinone

When choosing an effective skincare product able to help lighten pigmentation or hyper-pigmentation it’s important to bear in mind which formula will be best for your skin – especially if you have sensitive skin. With over 40% of Americans claiming they have sensitive or very sensitive skin, this could very likely be you… especially if your skin frequently feels tight, tingly, itchy or stingy.

Be warned: Hydroquinone has a long history of use and is known to in some users to cause irritation, contact dermatitis, redness and burning. The stronger the concentration, the greater the risk.

3. Kojic Acid works better than Hydroquinone:

Perhaps the most important question – which will help lighten and brighten your pigmentation/hyper-pigmentation the best? Is kojic acid as effective as hydroquinone or is hydroquinone more effective than kojic acid? Which should you use? Truth is – both kojic acid and hydroquinone can be equally as effective. Trials of both skin brightening actives show 51% of users experience equal pigmentation correcting benefits from kojic acid and hydroquinone, whereas 28% show better benefits with kojic acid and 21% show better results with hydroquinone.

Bottom line: Kojic acid vs. hydroquinone. A close match, narrowly won by kojic acid on efficacy but easily won by kojic acid for safety. Kojic Acid is an excellent substitute in skin brightening products.



Post time: Apr-02-2021