

Ascorbyl Palmitate: The Fat-Soluble Vitamin C Antioxidant

Ascorbyl Palmitate is a well-known antioxidant food additive that is useful for its effects in stabilizing oxygen-sensitive ingredients. Experts believe that the compound is also beneficial as it protects fat-soluble antioxidants in dietary supplements.

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What is Ascorbyl Palmitate?

Ascorbyl Palmitate is a compound formed from a combination of ascorbic acid and palmitic acid. It is a fat-soluble form of Vitamin C which is considered to have potential free radical-scavenging properties. This means that the compound may effectively prevent the accumulation of toxic chemicals in cells and cellular interstitial spaces. In effect, the compound may help promote cellular health and wellness and prevent their rapid degeneration.

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The CAS number of Ascorbyl Palmitate is 137-66-6. Its molecular formula is C22H38O7 and its molecular weight is 414.539 g/mol. It is described as having a white to yellowish powder appearance and is soluble in ethanol. The compound is often marketed as “vitamin C ester”.

Ascorbyl Palmitate Forms and Specifications

In dietary supplements, the most common form of the compound is Ascorbyl Palmitate 99% powder. The compound may be used independently or in combination with other dietary supplement ingredients.



Appearance White to yellowish white powder
Assay(Titration) 95.0%~100.5%
Specific Optical Rotation +21.0°~+24.0°
Loss on Drying ≤2.0%
Residue on ignition ≤0.1%
Heavy Metals ≤10ppm
Lead ≤1ppm
Arsenic ≤1ppm


Ascorbyl Palmitate vs Ascorbic Acid

In terms of bioavailability, experts say that Ascorbyl Palmitate is more bioavailable than the plain form Ascorbic Acid. Also, since it is fat-soluble, Ascorbyl Palmitate may help preserve various chemicals in dietary supplement products, foods, and cosmetics.

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Ascorbyl Palmitate manufacturing process

Ascorbyl Palmitate is directly manufactured through the esterification of L-ascorbic acid and palmitic acid along with concentrated sulfuric acid compounds. Thereafter, ice water is added into the solution, followed by extraction through the organic solvent. Reduced pressure distillation is then conducted and the course product is subjected to recrystallization with ethanol and petroleum ether. Finally, the resultant compound is Ascorbyl Palmitate.

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Ascorbyl Palmitate benefits

Dietary supplementation of Ascorbyl Palmitate is ideal for its various health benefits. These include the following:

1.It supports overall immunity

With its ascorbic acid content, it is well-known that Ascorbyl Palmitate supplementation may promote overall immunity responses and strengthen the body’s resistance against invading microorganisms. In one study, it was further provided that the antioxidant properties of the compound may contribute to immunity with the enhancement of overall cellular function. 

Also, experts explain that the complementary effect of Ascorbyl Palmitate may help prolong the effects of other immunity-supporting compounds as it has a prolonged half-life and longer body retention time.

2.It serves as an antioxidant

Just like Vitamin C, Ascorbyl Palmitate possesses antioxidant properties which makes it useful not only as a dietary supplement ingredient but also as a component of skincare products. According to studies, the compound may help prevent rapid cellular aging by cleaning body cells from free radicals and eliminating them through scavenging effects.

The antioxidant properties of Ascorbyl Palmitate are also believed to contribute to its anti-cancer properties as some cancers are associated with the accumulation of various toxic products in cells.

3.It promotes skin health

In certain medical research, experts have found that the intake of Ascorbyl Palmitate dietary supplements and the application of the same in the skin through dermatological products may prevent oxidative stress and damage in skin cells. In effect, the appearance of the skin may improve over time after using Ascorbyl Palmitate products. Individual users in some Ascorbyl Palmitate reviews have also claimed that supplementation of the product may enhance skin texture, moisture, and overall appearance.

Some studies also claim that supplementation of the compound may reduce risks for skin cancers due to its scavenging effects.

4.Other benefits

Some experts claim that Ascorbyl Palmitate supplementation may also have significant effects in improving overall cardiac function due to its effects in promoting the peroxidation of unsaturated lipids. Many health practitioners also believe that the compound may contribute to the reduction of risk for atherosclerosis.

Interesting to note is the fact that the compound Ascorbyl Palmitate has also been associated with cataract treatment. However, this claim is still subject to further medical research.



Post time: Apr-02-2022