

Application of Kojic Acid in Cosmeitc

What Is Kojic Acid?

This particular acid is the by-product of fungi, primarily Aspergillus, used in Japan to make rice wine, soy sauce, and miso! Fortunately, kojic acid is extremely useful in skincare products!

kojic application

Skin Brightening

Kojic acid inhibits the production of tyrosinase, the enzyme required for the production of melanin. That means its a natural skin lightening agent that inhibits the formation of new pigment. Therefore, it is effective in combatting melasma, hyperpigmentation, age spots, and discoloration. We like suggesting kojic acid as a substitute for hydroquinone for these effects. While irritating to a tiny minority, this ingredient is significantly more gentle and safe on sensitive skin types.

Antioxidant Agent

However, kojic acid is also a powerful antioxidant that provides significant protective effects against UV damage. It scavenges and neutralizes the free radicals that cause the signs of aging and shields against oxidative stress. Pair it with other antioxidants, like vitamin C, for maximum effect.

Anti-Wrinkle Warrior​​​​

Kojic acid has an additional strength that takes the antioxidant factor to the next level. It’s an iron-chelating agent. Your skin contains a fair amount of iron. That’s great, except when exposed to UV radiation, iron gets released to cause photo-damage and accelerate aging. Chelation is the process of binding those particles together to avoid that. This makes kojic acid an anti-aging champion.

Anti-Bacterial Booster

The cherry on top of it all, kojic acid has anti-bacterial properties too! It helps remove blemishes and combats acne to keep skin clear and radiant.

Post time: May-17-2022